Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Life's Little Secrets

Plenty of people in the world suffer from things we don't know about. A couple days ago, the world lost an amazing person, Robin Williams, to depression.

I thought I would post this because depression is one of the many things overlooked about life. I will admit, I don't suffer from depression, but I have friends that do. This blog post is all about how to deal with depression and ways to help those who suffer from it.

The people I know who suffer from it are like this because genetics. It runs in their family, so they knew one day that they were going to be the same way. They have their good days and their bad days. One way to tell that it's not one of their best days is if they put you down. They aren't doing it on purpose, that's just how their body is reacting. All they are trying to do is make themselves feel better. Don't take it personally, just shrug it off and go on with your day. If the person wants to have time alone, let them. If they ever want to talk about anything, give them the chance to.

Tips on dealing with depression:

1. Get 8 hours of sleep each night.
- your mood suffers from having too much or too little sleep.

2. Do things that make you enjoy doing.
- if you are doing something enjoy, you're happy and you are taking your mind off the negative things in life.

3. Keep your stress in check.
- figure out all of the things that stress you out and make a plan to avoid them as best as you can. 

Hope this post helped people out and it gave you good tips on how to deal with everything!

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